Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Policy

Relchem has a clearly defined Health, Safety  and Environment (HSE) policy to assess and control occupational risks of all its operations and ensure the safety of its employees, stakeholders and assets to continuously provide a sustainable management of the environment.

In line with this, Relchem is committed to:

  • Protecting the people, environment and assets in all its daily operations.

  • Continuous improvement of working conditions.
  • Keeping a consistent, clearly defined HSE policy based on the HSE Management System.
  • Meeting of the applicable safety standards, legal requirements and the assumptions of the developed HSE plan.

  • Identify workplace and environmental risk arising from operations and reduce them to as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP).

  • Organizing trainings to create safety awareness.

  • Providing a healthy, safe work place with proper tools, equipment and personal protective equipment (PPE)

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